Tag Archives: StartupLife

The 9 Enneagram Personality Types

source: https://www.growthmarketingpro.com/enneagram-personality-test/ The 9 Enneagram Personality Types There are lots of images on the internet that describe the 9 enneagram personality types. I’m going to share a few with you because they are each helpful in different ways. In the image below, the bolded word is the most defining feature of the personality type and […]

How To Get People To Do Stuff Summary

Source is here How To Get People To Do Stuff Are you good with people? Do you know how to get them to do stuff? Are you using tips and techniques you picked up from others or experimented with? If so, I bet that sometimes your strategies work and other times they don’t. There are […]

The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Source: Wiki: Myers–Briggs Type Indicator The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire with the purpose of indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world around them and make decisions. The MBTI was constructed by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers.[4] It is based on the conceptual theory proposed by Carl Jung,[5] who had speculated that humans experience the world using four principal […]

24 Human Character Strengths and Core Virtues

“The Character Strengths and Virtues (CSV) handbook of human strengths and virtues by Christopher Peterson and Martin Seligman, represents the first attempt on the part of the psychological research community to identify and classify the positive psychological traits of human beings. The CSV identifies six classes of virtue (i.e., “core virtues”), made up of twenty-four measurable character strengths.” (Source: Wikipedia) Strengths of Wisdom […]

The 15 types of Human Species discovered

Source: @promit Many of you might think that we are the only species of the human genus that ever walked on this planet. But the truth is that Homo sapiens(modern humans) is the only surviving species in the genus, all others have become extinct. 1. Homo gautengensis Homo gautengensis had big teeth suitable for chewing plant materials. It […]

Character types preview

There are many types by which characters may be classified. Here are a few majors. Sympathetic characters Sympathetic characters are those with whom we associate, forming a bond through which we vicariously share their experiences. We also get a sense of their attributes which we would perhaps like to have more of for ourselves. 1/ Heroic Heroic characters […]

Top 10 UX Articles of 2018

Top 10 UX Articles of 2018 The following UX articles published in 2018 were the ones our audience read the most: Empathy Mapping: The First Step in Design Thinking Visualizing user attitudes and behaviors in an empathy map helps UX teams align on a deep understanding of end users. The mapping process also reveals any […]


Perception is influenced by many things, including cultural biases and beliefs, and a skilled magician takes advantage of these things to accomplish the appearance of the miraculous. An audience watching the magic in a theatre in New York or Paris or Los Angeles has a very different orientation about the performance than an audience from […]

Hawthorne Effect

That first scenario is typical of a poorly designed gamification exercise. Back in the early 1920s a series of experiments were conducted at the Hawthorne Works in Chicago. The company wanted to see if a change in lighting would improve the productivity of their workers. They changed the lighting to make it stronger. The workers’ […]

Endowment Effect – The Economics of Design

The Endowment Effect is a contradiction of the classical economic idea that people always behave rationally within an economic system. It is the surprising idea that we are prepared to pay more money to retain something that we already own than we would pay for the item if we did not own it. It is often also […]